At Cryonite, our team is proud to serve a variety of industries and areas. Our system is highly beneficial for many businesses because of the non-toxic and non-residual disposition. This formula is advantageous to other pest control solutions that require specific settings or conditions to apply the treatment. We hope this article provides insight into our easy-to-use system and how it could benefit your industry.

Benefits that Set Cryonite Apart

A few of the most significant benefits to highlight from Cryonite are ones that will save you time and money in any industry. The first being the ability to continue with daily business activities if desired while using the machine. Employees, customers, and even pets (even tropical fish) can typically stay in the treatment areas during Cryonite applications if desired. Additionally, furniture and even most electronics can stay as well. The safe application allows you to avoid vacating the premises, which can cause downtime and disruption when it’s time for pest control services.

Another key benefit of Cryonite is you don’t need a license to use this system. Every machine comes with a training manual that educates you on the functionality. This gives you the ability to train employees and other staff members to use the machine. This easy to use functionality allows for a proactive approach in practicing effective pest management.

Industries that Benefit from Cryonite

Is a Cryonite pest control system the right solution for your needs? Here is an overview of some of the most common industries that find benefits in using Cryonite for pest management:

Food Handling Establishments

Cryonite is an effective solution for pests in restaurants, cafeterias, and similar food areas. Food on site is a magnet that brings pests into your business. Making sure that you have a proper pest management system is critical in maintaining food safety and the overall success of your business. This treatment helps with a variety of food pests, including cockroaches, stored product pests, and fly larvae in drains.

Food Processing Facilities

Pest control is essential in food processing settings. If you have a food processing business, use Cryonite to treat machinery infested with stored product pests. This chemical-free system protects the equipment and eliminates the infestation at the same time. One of the most significant benefits is that your employees don’t need to vacate the area during treatment times – operations in the area can continue as usual. Cryonite is helpful for the most common pest concerns such as stored product pests, cockroaches, web-building spiders, and fly larvae in drains.

Residential Living – Homes/Apartments

Pest control problems can happen in single-family homes and multi-family housing. It’s hard to relax at home if your living space is crawling with bugs! Cryonite is helpful for bed bugs, as well as cockroaches and web-building spiders.


Sanitation and cleanliness are critical in a hospital environment. With people moving in and out of the rooms regularly, you have limited options for pest control services. Some of the most common pests in hospitals and medical clinics include bed bugs, cockroaches, and fly larvae in drains. Cryonite treats all of these concerns, helping you maintain a comfortable environment for your customers. Although you don’t need to vacate patients during a Cryonite application, it is still good to do pest control services in an empty patient room. Also, consider removing infested furniture/beds to another location (such as a shower room) for treatment. These strategies help to contain the infestation and ensure the highest levels of cleanliness.


Pest control is always a concern in a hotel environment, mainly because you have many guests moving in and out who could be bringing in bed bugs and more. If a hotel guest sees evidence of an infestation, it could result in bad reviews and poor business. Cryonite is a popular choice for hotels looking to manage bed bugs, cockroaches, and fly larvae in drains. For bed bugs, guest rooms can be put back into the rotation more quickly when using a combination of vacuuming and Cryonite applications, followed by targeted follow-up treatments. The timeline to clean up the room depends on the level of bed bug infestation, which is why it is smart to use Cryonite regularly at the first signs of bed bugs. Getting ahead of the problem in the earliest stages reduces the time it will take to eliminate the pests.

Is Cryonite Right for You?

If you are looking for a chemical-free system to manage pests in your business, Cryonite may be right. Would you like to learn more about how Cryonite works? Contact us to talk to a pest control specialist for more information.

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