Recent United States census reports show that almost 15 million residents saw rodents or pests during the past year. Households with sagging roofs were nearly four times more likely to see cockroaches than other homes. Unfortunately, cockroaches are just one of the...
Spring Cleaning: Pest Control Advice For the Spring
Spring is just around the corner, which means you're probably starting to feel that itch to do some spring cleaning. As satisfying as it is to spruce up your home after a long winter, spring pest control is equally important. The warm, damp spring weather brings with...
Ten Surprising Bed Bug Facts You Didn’t Already Know
America was winning the war on bed bugs. Then in the 1990s, more Americans went abroad and brought bed bugs back with them. All 50 states now deal with bed bug infestations. This is just one of many important facts about bed bugs. When you have an infestation on...
Have Pests Invaded Your Medical Accessories?
The worst thing to discover during a hospital visit is itchy, swollen bumps on your skin. Unfortunately bed bugs are a common pest problem; 97% of pest control professionals have treated bed bugs in the past year, and hospitals aren’t immune to this potential pest...
Museum Pests: Why You Might Need Pest Control in Your Museum
Museums and art galleries are sitting ducks for pest infestations! Invasive pests can easily waltz right in and take over secluded museum space right under your nose. When left unchecked, these pest infestations can cause major damage to priceless historical artifacts...
The Top Five Strategies for Winter Pest Control
Pest invasions raise health and safety concerns and are, unfortunately, abundant in the U.S. In 2021, over 28 million American residential buildings and homes reported sightings of roaches, mice, or rats. However, there is a common misconception that pests are more...
Pests on a Plane: How to Stay Bug-Free in the Skies
Yikes! Where did those red lumps on your body come from? You may not have realized it, but you may have been the victim of airborne bed bugs! No, they cannot fly, but they can infest airplane cabins. If the mention of parasitic bed bugs crawling beneath your seat...
The Complete Guide to Hiring for Pest Control on Cruise Ships
Cruise lines often have to deal with pest control on cruise ships. This takes time, resources, and temporarily prevents passengers from booking trips while they wait. Ultimately, pest infestations affect the bottom line by reducing profits. Smart cruise line operators...
The Truth About Roaches and Asthma: Everything You Need to Know
Did you know that asthma affects 1 out of every 13 people? That's about 25 million people in the United States alone! While there is no known cure for asthma, it can be effectively managed through a variety of lifestyle considerations. People affected by the disease...