When the weather starts warming up, do you notice that the summer bugs begin to move in? Even though pests are a year-round problem, summer is known as the “insect season.” During this time, pests of all kinds are most active, both inside and outside.

Common Types of Summer Bugs

While the ideal scenario is frolicking with fireflies on a warm summer night, the reality is that most summer bugs are creepy and crawly. Some of these bugs can be beneficial if they are left alone in the garden. But, the presence of good bugs means that you are also going to see some of the unpleasant insects as well.

A few of the most common summer bugs include cockroaches, flying roaches, and even bedbugs. Not only is it uncomfortable to have these pests in your home, but they can also cause health concerns if the infestation is left untreated.

Why Insects Thrive in the Summer 

Why do these pests thrive in the hot summer months? Here are a few reasons why pests love the summer. 

  • Faster Reproduction: Temperature plays a role in the life cycle of various types of pests. Summer bugs are often cold-blooded, which means that the weather has an impact on their reproduction cycles. The warm temperatures in the summer create an optimal environment for reproduction. For example, some of these pests reproduce quickly in the summer to ensure survival through the colder months. When the temperatures start to drop again, it changes the biochemical processes that cause the insects to either die or hibernate for the season. 

  • Higher Temperatures: Outdoor temperature influences the behavior of common insects. A comfortable temperature outside will increase pest activity. But, when the temperature gets too hot to handle, then the pests will seek a cooler environment… which is often when they move indoors to the air-conditioned areas. 

  • More Food Sources: The summer months bring an abundance of vegetation and grass, giving an ideal opportunity for the summer bugs to enjoy a feeding frenzy. This all-you-can-eat environment means that the pests will stick around as long as there are food sources in the area.

  • Longer Daylight Hours: Extended daylight hours in the summer creates more time for summer bugs to feed. At the same time, the increased daylight hours boost vegetation growth which creates more food for the pests to eat.

  • Increased Moisture Levels: The refreshing summer rain creates the perfect environment for insects to survive. Pests need both food and water, which is why they often thrive in areas with higher moisture. You can expect to see more insects during the rainiest months of the year. At the same time, decreased moisture can also increase pest activity in the home. If there is a period of drought, then the insects might move indoors looking for optimal areas for shelter.

  • More People: It is common for people to be more active in the warmer months, which can also have an effect on the presence of summer bugs. For example, hotels are busier because people are traveling for vacation in the summer months, which can increase the likelihood of spreading bed bugs. 

Cryonite: Simple Solution for Summer Bugs

Insects are a normal part of life, which is why it is important to be proactive with pest control measures. During every season, Cryonite is the solution to protect your property. You can prepare to fight off an infestation at all times by having your own Cryonite Machine on hand.

This non-toxic method of pest control is an effective defense against a variety of summer bugs. It’s a great investment that can save you thousands of dollars in pest control services over time. Contact us to learn more about how you can benefit from a Cryonite Machine.

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