Pest infestations are never a problem people want to deal with. Unfortunately, it’s common to face a pest infestation and not know what to do next. In fact, some people might not even know what kind of pest they are up against.
This article dives into the tobacco beetle, the issues an infestation can cause, and how to handle this specific pest.
The tobacco beetle can truly damage any tobacco product it comes across, so the news of a tobacco beetle infestation is never GOOD news.
What is the Tobacco Beetle?
The tobacco beetle is also known as the cigarette beetle or cigar beetle. The scientific name for the insect is Lasioderma serricorne. It is commonly referred to as the tobacco beetle, as these pests are notorious for harming stored tobacco.
Although these beetles are often found near tobacco products, they aren’t picky when it comes to what they eat and can also be found in processed foods or other food sources.
These beetles are not local to any one area and can be found across the globe. Tobacco beetles tend to prefer warmer temperatures because they are unable to thrive and reproduce in cold temperatures.
Adult tobacco beetles are strong fliers and can move around easily. They tend to go into small crevices, ultimately finding their way into tobacco products. It may be hard to catch and get rid of them due to their range of motion and ability to hide.
Thankfully, these pests are not super common and there are plenty of ways to get rid of the beetles or prevent them from infesting your product. It’s important to note these beetles are not harmful to humans or pets, as they do not bite or transmit any known diseases; however, they can be an annoyance and inconvenience to your business.
Signs of Tobacco Beetles
Often, you can tell if your product has been infested with tobacco beetles due to small holes found in cigars or other tobacco products. If this occurs, it’s important to either throw out the infested product or place it in cold temperatures, such as a freezer, as tobacco beetles cannot survive in these conditions.
You might have seen these pests but not realized what they were. Tobacco beetles are small, oval-shaped brown bugs that hide in small crevices and prey on tobacco products or other food sources.
When storing tobacco products, it’s important to regularly inspect all inventory to ensure there isn’t a present pest issue. The quicker you discover pest infestations, the easier it is to eliminate them.
Why Do I Have a Tobacco Beetle Problem?
Tobacco beetle problems tend to arise in areas that have an abundance of tobacco products. Tobacco beetle larvae feed on tobacco and will migrate to said inventory in warm areas.
On top of tobacco products, these insects also eat other items such as dog food, grains, rice, dried fruits, furniture stuffing, and much more. It’s not unusual for these beetles to find sources of food within your home or business.
What Damage Do These Pests Cause?
Just like with any other pest or insect, the tobacco beetle can cause damage to your products or property. It doesn’t take a long time for a couple of pests to turn into many pests and before you know it, you have an infestation.
Female tobacco beetles reproduce very quickly, which can cause an infestation to spread rapidly. Each female can lay up to 100 eggs per birth cycle.
For those who own, store, or sell tobacco products, the damage can be tremendous if the infestation is not identified as soon as possible.
Tips to Preventing Tobacco Beetles
Having a tobacco beetle infestation doesn’t need to be a common issue you face. There are a few ways to prevent tobacco beetles.
It’s very important to keep the area in question very clean and regularly vacuumed to prevent tobacco beetles. All possible food sources should be kept in sealed containers that these pests can’t access. Any food sources or crumbs will attract insects.
Temperature is also a factor when it comes to tobacco beetles. They tend to be more active when the temperatures are warmer. Tobacco beetle eggs hatch when temperatures reach above 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cryonite is the Solution
Many people try to get rid of pest infestations on their own due to the issues surrounding pest control and the damage chemical-based pest control solutions can cause to inventory. With Cryonite, you don’t have to worry about damaging products, as it’s safe to use on food preparation surfaces, electronics, antiques, and within other sensitive environments.
Due to Cryonite’s fast results, environmentally friendly resources, and safe application, Cryonite is the solution for pest infestations, including tobacco beetle infestations. It’s a very effective and non-toxic way to keep your pest issues under control, while keeping your business open.
Cryonite can handle your pest problem at hand. Check out our one-pager to learn more or book a call with an expert.