If you have pests in your home or business, you’re probably looking for the most convenient bug treatment on the market. Invasive pest treatments can disrupt your schedule for days or even weeks.
What if we told you there was a pest control solution out there that requires very little prep?
With the Cryonite low prep pest control system, you don’t have to move out any of your belongings or close your business to get rid of your pest problem.
Keep reading, and we’ll tell you all about why a low prep bug treatment might be best for you.
What Is Low Prep Pest Control?
You might be wondering: what exactly is low prep pest control? In short, a low prep pest control solution is one that minimizes disruption to your daily activities.
The majority of pest control services will ask you to move your furniture or even your clothing from your house to prepare for pest treatment. While these treatments are effective, the preparation beforehand presents an unnecessary and time-consuming process.
With the Cryonite Freeze System, you won’t have to completely clear out your house. If you run a business, daily operations can continue as usual.
That’s what our philosophy of low prep pest control is all about. You don’t have to let pests drive you out of your home or cause your business to take a hit.
The Freeze System qualifies as “low prep,” as the non-toxic, liquid carbon dioxide is safe for both humans and animals. The pest control solution won’t cause damage to belongings and can even be used on food preparation surfaces.
Is Low Prep Pest Control Effective?
Low prep pest control is convenient, but it’s still just as effective as traditional pest control. Our method works by freezing and killing pests to prevent bugs’ inherent and growing resistance to pesticides. These bugs are eliminated by physical instead of chemical means.
Almost every household pest can be eliminated with this system. Even cockroaches, one of the most notoriously resilient pests, cannot survive in temperatures below 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
Our method also works well on bed bugs. Both bed bugs and cockroaches enjoy warm temperatures and cannot survive in below-freezing climates for long.
There are other effective methods of dealing with these pests, but they all come with unnecessary risks and downsides. We’ll get into those risks in detail in just a moment.
How Long Does Prep Usually Take?
When you hire other pest control companies to handle your infestation, they may want to use methods that can disrupt your life for days on end. You may have to find a temporary home for all of your clothing and furniture, as well as any pets you may have.
Plus, some pest control treatments can be toxic to humans, forcing you to leave your house for a few hours. In more extreme cases, you may even have to stay in a hotel while your house is being treated.
Depending on how difficult it is for you to make these arrangements, your prep may end up taking a week or longer.
If you are treating your business, you may have even more inconvenient arrangements to make. You will most likely have to close up shop, find another home for most of your inventory, and turn away clientele.
With Cryonite, you don’t have to worry about making those arrangements at all. You can continue living your life as you normally do, both before and after treatment.
The Downsides of High Prep Treatments
High prep treatments can be inconvenient, unhealthy, and detrimental to your quality of life. This is especially true if you are dealing with an infestation at your business.
If you run a hotel, for example, you are likely to lose many customers if you have to cancel reservations for pest treatment. Plus, you will lose out on several days’ worth of profit just by closing your doors or canceling reservations.
When you have to close your business for pest treatment, your customers may lose faith in your brand and take their business elsewhere.
You will also run into major inconveniences when you’re treating your home. Temporarily rehousing yourself is tough, and doing so with children in tow is even tougher.
Plus, high prep treatments may put your family at risk. Despite being highly regulated, fumigation can leave behind dangerous chemicals that can harm people or pets.
Even if the chemicals used in your treatment are perfectly safe, some people can be especially sensitive to them.
Benefits of a Low Prep Bug Treatment
The best pest control solution gets rid of bugs without any of those inconveniences. The Cryonite Freeze System is highly convenient and carries minimal risks for you and your family.
If you run your own business, a low prep treatment is definitely the right choice for you. Our system is so noninvasive, your customers won’t even notice you’re using it, as there is also no cleanup from the process.
You can even use the Freeze System to tackle infestations in hotels without closing your doors.
Plus, homeowners can use a low prep system to protect their houses from pests, without having to inconvenience anyone or worry about health risks.
Freeze Out Pests With a Low Prep Treatment
If you’re looking for a low prep bug treatment, ask us about the Cyronite low prep method. No longer do you have to let pests force you to close your business or leave your own home.
The sooner you deal with an infestation, the easier it will be to get rid of it. With our convenient pest control system, you have no reason to wait!
Don’t wait to freeze out pests. Contact Cryonite today!